No drinking for a year!

Today is a very special day boys and girls, not only is it the day that Princess Anne & Mark Phillips announced their separation (seriously, this was the best that google could find for me) but it also marks day number 1 of my year of sobriety. 

That's right folks, I'm talking 12 whole months! That's 52 weeks! That's 365 days! 

Ok, ok, ok I should stop with that because it's making me scared and overwhelmed and all those other emotions that make me wanna grab the nearest bottle of that sweet Merlot and drown my sorrows away. 

Why am I doing this you may ask? Well, it's kind of three-fold really, I shall divulge below: 

Reason No. 1- I simply want to see if I can do it. Stopping drinking for a few months until it's your birthday, Christmas or your friend's wedding ain't really too big of a deal to be honest. You're basically deciding to avoid going out for a few weeks or months and then binge when it's a special occasion. Woop bloody woop. 

I want to test myself to see if I can manage an entire year. I won't become a hermit and avoid social situations where there's going to be alcohol (it's not like I have a problem and can't be around it), instead I just want to learn to socialise sans the usual social lubricants. 

I've had people scoff at me, I've had the usual 'yeah rights' and 'we'll see how long that lasts', and quite frankly, I do not blame them one bit. I have been known to have a few adult beverages in my time and so I understand the smirks when I tell people my plans but if anything, these doubters spur me on. Like queen Ellen says: 

Reason No.2- I get so mega depressed when I realise how much money I've spent on booze over the years. Like, I could probably own a house right now if I had never discovered alcohol a decade ago, I could be driving a fricking Rolls Royce, heck I could be the bloody Prime Minister... ok...well you get the picture. 

After a summer of doing crazy fun things, I want to get down to some serious saving over the next year and those bottles of grape juice simply do not help the cause. 

Reason No.3- You know after you've had a heavy night and you wake up repenting? Like really feeling like something seriously wrong is going on in your body? Well I have that 99% of the time after I drink. 

People may think that I am being a massive fanny- pack here and that everybody suffers from hangovers but oh no my friend. You have not seen yours truly after a night on the sauce; I've got the vomz, the poopz, the tears and the regrets and I am not a happy soul to be around. 

I have messed up so many trips away with Sam from being ill the next day, having to hide away under the starchy sheets of the hotel bed, and it's no longer fair on me to do that to her. As soon as my drinking affects someone else, especially someone who is such a peach, it's time to re-evaluate some things and I figure today should be that day (although I have been planning on doing this for months FYI- I didn't just think of it on a whim). 

So there you are; from the 1st September 2015- 1st September 2016, no alcohol shall pass my lips (and I totally have to do it now that I've posted it on my blog, otherwise I'll look like a giant tit), so wish me luck and I'll keep you updated with my progress.