Reasons To Get Your Hair Cut Short

1. It's soooooo much quicker! Holy smokes I take about a third of the time to wash and dry my hair now.

2. You HAVE to style it. This might seem like a disadvantage as gone are the day of a messy top knot when you're in a rush but it means that you have to put effort into styling your hair or risk looking like this...

3. I am going to be Donald Trump rich very soon with the amount of $$$ that I've saved on conditioner.

4. It's cooler (as in temperature not social status but both work I guess). I have what one may call 'thick-matted-sheeps-hair' syndrome and when its long and its summer I look like Monica with THE HUMIDITY! 

5. No tangles. Meaning no unwanted dreadlocks like I used to have.

6. Hats are easier to wear - although avoid caps or you'll look like Bieber circa 'Baby'. 

7. No more malting. BOOM.

8. It feels so much more goddam healthy - toodles split ends

9. Because its not the norm to have short hair - your hair kinda becomes your 'thing'. That's right I'm a non-conforimist motherfucker with a shorter than average mane.

10. Just look below #nuffsaid