So it's been exactly 8 weeks since I first announced that I would be giving up alcohol for an entire year!
You're probably wondering how I am coping? Have I been craving a night on the sauce over the past two months? Has it been challenging? A struggle? Or even have I failed already?
The answer is a firm no my friends. No I haven't cheated (although I did use some mojito flavoured lip balm the other day) and no I am not craving a boozy night. I do have to admit however that I have not yet found myself in a situation where I would normally be wanting a drink e.g. meeting new people, a busy bar/ club etc and therefore can't claim any martyrdom just yet.
I briefly touched on my reasoning behind this year long challenge in my initial post, but I thought that I'd delve a little deeper now, especially as a few friends and family have been asking more probing questions recently too.
I mentioned previously that I get really ill the day after a night of indulgence and quite frankly, that is somewhat of a major understatement. I don't just get a bit sick or feel groggy for the day, I literally cannot leave my bed and spend all day feeling like my organs are shutting down one by one.
I cry at anything and everything with the conviction of a pre-menstrual woman whose just been told that all the chocolate in the world has disappeared and I enter what can only be described as the 'black hole of despair' (dramatic I know).
The best part however is when I first wake up, ohhhhh yes, it's an absolute treat. I guess I would classify it as an acute panic attack but with more groaning involved, of which only the gf's hugs and tickles can soothe.
Maybe it's all my head? Who knows. But what I do know is that life on this little planet is far too short, and I cannot spend yet another day after a night drinking, staring at the ceiling wondering why I did it to myself again.
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