Having a little down time...

You may have noticed that things have been a little quieter on TRIOF recently with only one post going up per week (sometimes less), and I thought that I'd be completely honest here and confess that my brain has felt a little frazzled recently and consequently blogging has taken a bit of a back seat. 

Much like an overused muscle from too much exercise, I feel like my brain has become strained from being on overdrive over the past month and needs a little break for a while. Between a busy time at work, writing in my spare time for various side projects, being on the lookout for new writing work constantly, trying to get into running again after a knee injury and also finding time to spend with my girlfriend Sam (who I fear may have been a bit neglected in recent times)- I feel kind of mentally exhausted. 

This week has also been a tough week for reasons that I don't particularly want to divulge, but I have seen first hand the disastrous effect that stress can have on the body and have since made a promise to myself that I would try to never let life get too serious that my health would start to suffer. 

I think that I was trying to do too much too quickly and I've needed a bit of down time to read some books, watch some films, spend time with friends and family and recharge my batteries for a bit. 

I'll be back soon with some ridiculously sarcastic writing about modern society but until then I'll just be chilling for a bit.