My Style Throughout the Years

We all have those moments when we reminisce about something that we used to wear, cringe, laugh, and say 'what the hell was I thinking?!'

Here are just a few items of apparel, that I once owned, that I think deserve to stay firmly in the 'days of yore' aka the fiery pit of sartorial hell (please tell me that I wasn't the only person to own these things...come on...own up too):

-Parachute trousers with multiple flaps, buckles, and random strands of material hanging off them
-Trouser Skirts - I mean SRSLY WTF were we thinking
-A Von Dutch Hat - what's worse was that mine was a fake one from eBay
-Clear Bra Straps - they were so uncomfortable and sweaty and you could clearly see them!
-A neon string vest with the number 69 on the front - Tammy Girl really blurred the lines between what was appropriate for pre-teen girls with this one
-Matching gypsy tops and skirts - I hate wearing ever...why I thought wearing one which made me look like I should be selling lucky heather and drinking mead from a rhino's horn was a good idea, I'll never know.
-Cowboy boots - nuff said
-A 'COOL AS FCUK' t-shirt - thinking I was a badass

So now I've publicly shamed myself for my wardrobe mishaps, let's take a walk through memory lane stopping at football shirt village, awkward pre-pubescent parish, and angsty emo suburbia along the way.

Aged 9 - 12

It was all about 'athleisurewear' at this point (I really was ahead of my time). Think Ipswich Town football shirts, sports caps with a curved peak - ponytail through the snapback for extra cool points, joggers - mainly Kappa poppers, and a pair of white trainers.

Aged 12-14

I had an obsession with all things pink at this stage. It was all about blue, flared denim jeans from New Look and some sort of pink t-shirt or zip-up with a jazzy slogan.

Aged 14-17
This is the age that I discovered Blink 182 and wanted to live in America, live off pizza and burgers and skateboard and basically be Bart Simpson. I wore skate shoes, cargo pants, sweatbands, and band t-shirts. I think I used the word 'dude' a lot at this time. I am not proud of this.

Aged 17-19
Oooh, here we reach angsty Ruth who was totally 'over' her suburban existence. She expressed this through the form of skinny black jeans, studded belts (sometimes more than one at a time - rock and roll!), ironic retro t-shirts, checkered Vans slip ons and a cutting-edge mullet which looked more Rod Stewart than Panic At The Disco! At this age I saw Green Day perform in Milton Keynes and I was just so darn away from the mainstream - LOLZ.

Aged 19-22
Well play me a Bright Eyes record, take me to a 'vintage' clothes shop, and show me a French film and I would have been in indie-pop heaven. This was when I was at University. I would buy expensive flat breads and force myself to drink espressos at a 'Parisian' cafe (even though I couldn't afford bills), I'd drink Limoncello for pre-drinks (yes I was that prick) and I'd do that 'cool' dance where you only swing your arms from the elbow down as you stomp one foot and flick your hair - think the burglar in Home Alone 2 when he is getting electrocuted.

Aged 24-26 
I lived in New Zealand. I had a constant tan and bright blonde hair. I stopped brushing said hair and the sea salt gave it dreadlocks. I wore bright colours and looked hella healthy.

Aged 26- Present 
I had to begin brushing my hair again when I wanted to get a proper job #sob, so inevitably my style has become a bit more refined now that I am living back in the UK. I would describe it now as tomboy-prep with little elements of indie/ pop-punky Ruth creeping in here and there.