Losing the Balance.

My blog posts have been sporadic at best in recent months and I can't, hand on heart, say that all my energy has gone into those that I have decided to post which is something that I always wanted to avoid. I made a vow when starting TRIOF that, unless I was 100% happy with what I had written, I wouldn't post anything that I considered to be subpar. 

I think in recent months I have lost a little balance when it comes to my writing, more specifically wanting to turn it into a career, and have pushed everything else aside as a result. I am an impatient kind of lass (I even wrote about it here a couple of weeks ago) and when I've made my mind up about something I want it to happen yesterday. 

For the past five months I have tried to spin far too many plates at one time and unfortunately some have ended up getting smashed. I think my wellbeing has suffered somewhat - I felt constantly tired yet unable to sleep, hungry yet had no appetite, wanted to be alone yet felt lonely - basically I felt a little lost. 

I wasn't taking the time out to do things that weren't somehow work related meaning that I was constantly "on" all the time. I stopped reading, stopped taking trips to the cinema, stopped running, and stopped hanging out with Sam. I definitely lost the balance. 

But...the story doesn't end here. You'll notice that I've been writing in the past tense because with time I have realised, 1. that I need to realign the balance and 2. how I can do it. I need to slow down and believe that things will work out for the best. I need to do one thing at a time instead of 20. I need to put time aside to do the things that make my soul happy again. I need to let Sam in more instead of pushing her away. I need to shift the focus from the grey to the golden and for the first time in months I genuinely feel that things are moving in the right direction.